
My Gift to the World: (Kind of Like Free Energy.)

I have tried to sell this script to agents in Hollywood but since my name isn’t Christopher Nolan I don’t have a fighting chance for them to read it. I have received some very polite rejection letters explaining that since this is an unsolicited script, they can’t even open it. Every script that I sent out I got back and it appeared that not even the first page was opened. 

After a year and a half I figure instead of just leaving this great story on my bookshelf to collect dust, I would release it to the world so that everyone can be entertained with my version of what I think Bat-Man 3 should consist of. 

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I wanted to include another free script on this website to show the public that I have more ideas for movies than just the fun, adventurous, comic book feature films. I have created my own characters with their own tale to share with the world. Perception of Life is a story that’s especially close to my heart. This script is about what the day to day life consists of for a family living with a mentally challenged relative. This script is a quick read; several people have already read it in one sitting and so far the reviews have been positive.

Enjoy……And I encourage as much feedback, I know everyone will have an opinion and I am curious to read them. You can fill in the section below and send messages to my private e-mail address or you can leave comments on the next page for everyone to read.

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